New Expedition Classes Released Through Course Catalog

Students at Summit K2 will now have new Expeditions classes starting October 10th due to a new course catalog. In addition to new classes, students had to apply for classes using a resume.

The Dean of Expeditions, Adaline Fern, said in regards to our new course catalog that,“We have a new DJ class, a cheer team, a new soccer team, a nail tech class, a resin screen printing art class, and a documentary/filmmaking class. There’s a lot of new classes we have, I think 18 class options this year, so you can check out the course catalog.”

She also added that students will no longer be allowed to switch classes. “Students can’t switch. [If] you’re in your class, you’re in your class, it’s like college. The only way to kind of change it would be if you’re on campus, you can drop your on campus class and go into an off campus experience, but there’s no rotating within the actual classes, and that’s because we want you to complete a course.” 

When asked why students had to make resumes, Fern said, “I wanted to give contractors and teachers a say in who was going to be in their class so they could choose strategically. I also think it’s important that students show that they’re intentional about what they’re applying to, and they’re not just picking something random…hopefully, it’s just a better, more enriching experience for everyone.” 

Students’ resumes had to consist of a personal summary, educational background, skills, and their experience in the field of the course they applied for. 

Additionally, students shared their thoughts on making resumes. Kiara H., 9th grader, thinks it was useful, saying it was “Kinda annoying but you know it was helpful”

Leo C., 12th grader, said how he did not think making a resume was useful, “[It was] pretty bad ‘cause it took a lot of time out of my day.”

Students have also begun to speak out on the new expeditions courses. “Personally I think that it’s not fair that the seniors get first pick for off campus because I think it  should be fair, like first come first serve…not just the seniors pick first.” said Carmen M., 10th grader.

Jalynn S., 11th grader, shared her hopes for this round of expeditions. “I’m looking forward to getting to experience a real world job and seeing the pros and cons of working.” 

Furthermore, Fern adds, “We have already started matching, students into their off campus experiences so they will find that out by Friday. [For] on campus, hopefully, it’ll be on power school October 4th if everything goes smoothly tech wise.” 

Fern ends with one reminder to students to, “Make sure that when you come to your expedition class or on the first day of expeditions, you bring a water bottle, if you’re in athletic classes. You’re wearing appropriate attire. You’re bringing a change of clothes, for the art classes, you’re gonna want a change of clothes so that you can get a little messy.” 

(Cover Photo Credit: Selena Mercado)

1 Comment

  1. So amazing. Very well structured

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